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Hi Everyone, this is a project that I would like you to do over the xmas holiday. As we reach the last few months of the course it is good to produce as much work as we can in order to build our skills and be able to show them off in our portfolios.

Drawing is a really important part of studying art and this homework will allow you to present 2 different ways of drawing on top of the work already done in the studio.

There are 2 parts to this homework:

1) A Place (using a fine liner or biro pen)

2) An object (using pencils to show tonal range

or 'value')

I have included here a few good examples of work (found online - so thank you to those artists for the reference).

I have set two drawings to do over the holiday but, of course, the more you do the better - drawings of different objects and using different techniques.


This project is to draw a place that is your own space - as it is or adjust the composition as you want to (move objects around). You can see from the attached example that his can be done as a kind of one liner.


This project is to draw an object - either from the reference below or an observational drawing of something in your home


Please choose something with a degree of complexity, that challenges you. So you can see that the crushed can, for example, offers more challenges than the uncrushed can.

The drawn examples I have included below show a few drawing and shading techniques.

Possible object to draw

Possible object to draw

Possible objects to draw

Blended pencil and rubber for highlights

Using a range of pencil grades probably from HB to around 6B

Hatching and cross-hatching technique with pencil and rubber for highlights

Using a range of pencil grades probably from HB to around 6B. Notice how the shading around the object has really picked out (contrast) the light of the object. 

Stipple - pencil 

Another way of building a pencil drawing. Follow the link below

for a good YouTube example of this stippling technique

Blended pencil and rubber

for highlights

Using a range of pencil grades probably from HB to around 6B. This is a looser more expressionistic stlye than the example directly above which is a tighter smoother blend of tones

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